Have been very busy with my revision. I was down with fever and tonsilitis(I think that's how it is spelled...) since Sunday. My head feels heavy. It's like a fat woman sitting on my head! Couldn't bear the excrutiating pain whenever I swallow my saliva. Tonsilitis is hell! Don't ever get yourself this because you will feel like you are going to die. I thought of going for an operation to remove it. I got tonsilitis thrice within 8 months! That's when fever kicks in. Argh! I need someone to hug me.. To show me love.. Haiz.. Nvm.. Just not the time yet. Recently, I had this strange dream. There's this guy kissing me in a theatre. I can't see the guy's face clearly. It was so real. I could feel his lips on mine. All of a sudden, the song 'Harapan' sang by Fazli Zainal, played.. And then the dream fade. Can anyone tell me what this dream means?
I don't know if you think the same way as I do but I think that sweet dreams do come true. So hoping for that special kiss.. *singing*Some people wait a life time for a moment like this..
How I wish I could turn back time.. That's all I wish for.. Can someone knock me down on the street so that I will lose my memory? Haiz... Why is it so hard to forget him?! I'm really trying my best to get him out of my head. He i still in my heart. If only someone could operate my heart and get him out of it... Feeling weak day after day but still putting on a mask so that people around me won't be worried about me. Even if I confide to my best friend and mum about this, it will not change the situation. 'There are a lot of guys out there who are better than him', this is what they said to me. Yup, it's true but things will be different. I'm just hoping that special someone can mend my broken heart. Still waiting for that person but don't know who..
I have to go through this by myself. This silent war has to end in some ways. I don't want to suffer just because of a guy.
FINALLY! I got to meet my old classmates from my secondary school yesterday! The long wait was over yesterday. Fid and I met Saliza at Cityhall mrt station. That was a surprised for me coz it's been 5 months since I met her. Missed her to death! Too busy with school, that's the reason why! We went to Vivocity to meet up. Damn I felt good! Fid and I went there earlier coz our stomach were playing drums. We end up at Banquet with fid having Yong Tau Foo while I ate Fried kway teow. The taste wasn't that bad but Fid's food tasted real bad. I mean it sucks to the core! I wonder how she could finish it all up! Bad taste, girl!Wana and Raudah arrived shortly before we got our food. Guess who's late? My other 'twin'. Syaherah.. But we knew that she's arrived by her voice. Loud Speaker Babe! The whole of Banquet could hear her voice. HAHAHA! Once she arrives, eyes are all on her. Coz she will be the one talking and talking and talking and she will never stop until someone cuts short her conversation! That's what keeps our friendship alive. I missed the secondary school days. Where we used to do stupid things, make teachers cry(That's so true!) and breaking the school rules! We will be goin to play pool at Marine Parade dis Wednesday after 1pm. So looking forward to it! It's near our home and it's cheap! $3+ per hour! I gtg. Got test today at 4.30pm! Wish me luck!=)Here are some photos we took at vivo! Enjoy! Fid, my best friend. We called her 'Ma'am' coz of the way she dresses herself!

Raudah, she plays the french horn. She good at it u noe..
Wana, aka kucing... Meow... Hahaha! Funny girl..

Sya, our one and only loud hailer... We can't live without her!
Lastly, me! HAHA! Model tak menjadi! Dun have the height and the looks. Haiz.. Anyway, we really had a lot of fun! Thank you gals! Love you gals lots! muackz!